this is web port of gechland 0.1.4~beta.

for executable files please go to the gechland introduction website.

welcome gech!

gechland's story is inspired from a science and political fiction novel named as Gefertean Union (In Turkish: Gefertliler Birligi).

gechland is 2d story based platformer game.

you can play dice; buy abilities like vision, jump distance, walk speed etc.

you can also interact with most of the characters.
some characters have trust factor, which is changing the dialogues.

gechland is available for free! it has ~2 hours length gameplay.
if you are not good at playing platformer games or not good at controlling synchronically:
it's not meant that you can't play but the gameplay the can be a bit longer than that.
maybe you are speedrunner? game can be end in 10 minutes or shorter?

have a nice gech day! :)
found a bug? please report via gechland github repository.

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